Due to inclement weather on Wednesday Feb. 19, 2025, Springdale Public Schools will have a Student Catch-Up day. All School buildings will be closed. Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo el día miércoles 19 de febrero 2025, las Escuelas Públicas de Springdale tendrán un día de recuperación estudiantil. Todos los edificios escolares estarán cerrados. Kin an naaj nana lañ ilo raan ne Wōnje, Pāpode19 raan, 2025, kin an lap snow, aolep Paplik Jikuuļ ko ilo Springdale in renaaj likūt rainin āinwōt juon raan in Catch-up nan ri-jikuuļ ro ilo aer naaj wōnm̧aanļo̧k Wōt im kōmm̧ani katak ko aer ilo zoom ak ilo mōko imweer. Aolep mon jikuuļ ko renaaj kilōk.
about 14 hours ago, Springdale School District
Student Catch Up day  2.19.25
Student Catch Up day  2.19.25
Student Catch Up day  2.19.25
#SpringdaleFamily, Due to inclement weather on Tuesday February 18, 2025, Springdale Public Schools will have a Student Catch-Up day. All School buildings will be closed.
1 day ago, Springdale School District
Student Catch Up day  2.18.25
Student Catch Up day  2.18.25
Student Catch Up day  2.18.25
Greetings #SpringdaleFamily, Due to inclement weather on Friday January 10, 2025, Springdale Public Schools will have a Student Catch-Up day. All School buildings will be closed. Stay warm and stay safe!
about 1 month ago, Springdale School District
Please see the attached newsletter regarding inclement weather. School will be dismissed at 1:50 tomorrow, Thursday, January 9th. There will be no SOAR after school tomorrow. All students need to be picked up at Jones by 2:00pm Thursday, January 9th. https://secure.smore.com/n/yh4qx
about 1 month ago, Melanie Johnson
#SpringdaleFamily In anticipation for potential inclement weather, the Springdale School District will use the "Early Out Wednesday" Bell Schedule on Thursday January 9, 2025.
about 1 month ago, Springdale Public Schools
Oops! Today is Wednesday! If your child goes to SOAR, there is no SOAR today. Your child needs to be picked up at Jones as soon as possible. Our apologies for the error in the previous message.
about 1 month ago, Melanie Johnson
🍎 Don’t miss out on free and reduced meal options! Apply now at https://www.schoolcafe.com/springdaleps 📋✨ #SpringdaleFamily
6 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Top 10 Reasons
Top 10 Reasons
Top 10 Reasons
The School Board discussed student cell phone usage, award-winning staff, substitute pay increases, student achievements and more news relevant to the #SpringdaleFamily at the August meeting! Read the full story here: https://secure.smore.com/n/vwmt3-school-board-meeting-news
6 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Learn more about the exciting news happening within Springdale Schools by checking out information from the June School Board meeting! #SpringdaelFamily Explore more here: https://secure.smore.com/n/ec51h-school-board-meeting-news
8 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
District retirees, robotics students and new staff were celebrated at the May School Board meeting. #SpringdaleFamily Learn more about the meeting, to include the approved 2024-25 salary schedule, here: https://secure.smore.com/n/9vzykm-school-board-meeting-news
9 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Springdale Schools will be OPEN on Monday April 8th! We are excited to experience the Solar Eclipse with our students. Each student and employee will be provided solar eclipse glasses. Please click here to read important safety information https://www.smore.com/n/8dsr5
11 months ago, Springdale School District
Time is running out for NWA homebuyers and those who serve them to register to attend the Destination Springdale event on March 13 from 1-2 p.m. at Rollins School of Innovation! The FREE event will include a tour, speed networking, hands-on activities and more! #SpringdaleFamily
12 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Time is running out for NWA homebuyers and those who serve them to register to attend the Destination Springdale event on March 13 from 1-2 p.m. at Rollins School of Innovation! The FREE event will include a tour, speed networking, hands-on activities and more! #SpringdaleFamily
12 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Time is running out for NWA homebuyers and those who serve them to register to attend the Destination Springdale event on March 13 from 1-2 p.m. at Rollins School of Innovation! The FREE event will include a tour, speed networking, hands-on activities and more! #SpringdaleFamily
12 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Northwest Arkansas homebuyers and those who serve them can register now to attend the Destination Springdale Preview on March 13 from 1-2 p.m. at Rollins School of Innovation! The FREE event will include a tour, speed networking, hands-on activities and more! #SpringdaleFamily
12 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Northwest Arkansas homebuyers and those who serve them are invited to attend the Destination Springdale Preview event on March 13 from 1-2 p.m. at Rollins School of Innovation! The FREE event will include a tour, speed networking, hands-on activities and more! #SpringdaleFamily
12 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Northwest Arkansas homebuyers and those who serve them are invited to attend the Destination Springdale Preview event on March 13 from 1-2 p.m. at Rollins School of Innovation! The FREE event will include a tour, speed networking, hands-on activities and more! #SpringdaleFamily
12 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Save the Date! Don Tyson School of Innovation Enrollment opens March 1st at 10 am. #SpringdaleFamily
about 1 year ago, Springdale Public Schools
DTSOI Enrolment
DTSOI Enrolment
#SpringdaleFamily are you interested in attending Don Tyson School of Innovation? Please come to an important informational meeting on Thursday, Feb. 15, at 6 pm. Don Tyson School of Innovation Enrollment opens March 1st at 10 am.
about 1 year ago, Springdale Public Schools
DTSOI Enrolment
DTSOI Enrolment
#SpringdaleFamily, Due to inclement weather on Monday, February 12 2024, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All School buildings will be closed. Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo el día Lunes 12 de Febrero de 2024, las Escuelas Públicas de Springdale tendrán un día AMI (enseñanza y aprendizaje remoto). Todos los edificios escolares estarán cerrados. Kon inclement weather ilo, February 12, 2024, aelop Springdale Public School enaj koman raan in AMI (remote teaching im learning) day. Kon men in enaj kilok aelop
about 1 year ago, Springdale School District
English AMI
Spanish AMI
Spanish AMI