Happy 5th day of AMI Jones Jaguars! Enjoy your Spring Break--I will keep posting every day after Spring Break. Today's video is on Cyber Bullying. Please email if you need me :) scartwright@sdale.org

Esto es un recordatorio sobre el pollo que se regalará mañana en la preparatoria de Springdale a las 9:00 am. Los carros tendrán que formarse en el sur de la calle Kansas St.

This is a reminder that free chicken will be given out at Springdale High School beginning at 9:00am tomorrow. Cars need to enter from South Kansas St.

We have extra AMI packets available in the front entryway of the school if anyone misplaced it. Also, we have Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade AMI packets translated into Spanish. Free books will also be available if your child needs new books to read. This will all be located in the front entryway of our school Thursday and Friday from 8:00am - 3:00pm.
Tenemos paquetes extras de AMI disponibles en la entrada de la escuela por si acaso lo han perdido. También, tenemos el paquete traducido en espanol para los grados de kinder, 1ro y 2do. También habrá nuevos libros para sus hijos si necesitan más están localizados en la entrada principal este jueves y viernes de 8:00-3:00.

Good morning Jones families! Mrs. Cartwright is missing you on this day 4 of AMI. Check out this Mindfulness video from Cosmic Kids called Be the Pond. Enjoy :)

We have extra AMI packets for all grade levels in the front entry way of the school if your child has misplaced them. Also, we have free books in case your child needs new books to read. The packets and books will be available 8:00am - 3:00pm Thursday and Friday.

Let's try this one on relaxing! Sorry for the confusion on the earlier link :)

Lonche y desano gratis en la escuela Jones Primaria de las 11:30-12:30. Van a estar en frente del porche de la escuela.

Free lunch and breakfast distribution today at Jones Elementary School 11:30-12:30. They will be located on the front porch of the school. Grab and Go

Tyson Foods will be donating 40,000 lbs of free chicken on Friday, March 20 at Springdale High School beginning at 9:00am. It will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis. It is a drive thru pick up. Cars will need to enter on South Kansas St next to the high school.
La compañía de Tyson Foods estará donando 40,000 lbs de Pollo el viernes 20 de marzo en la Preparatoria de Springdale High empezando a las 9:00 am. Estará distribuida a la primera persona que llegue y sera de recoger en su auto. Los autos tendrán que entrar por la entrada de la calle Sur Kansas a lado de la Preparatoria Springdale High.

Tyson Foods will be donating 40,000 lbs of free chicken on Friday, March 20 at Springdale High School beginning at 9:00am. It will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis. It is a drive thru pick up. Cars will need to enter on South Kansas St next to the high school.

Sorry...the picture will not attach. The chicken will be distributed at Springdale High School beginning at 9:00am. It is a first come, first serve basis. It will be a drive through pick up. Cars will need to enter at South Kansas Street. Fliers are posted on our FB page.

Chicken Distribution

Tyson Foods will be handing out 40,000 pounds of chicken on Friday, March 20. Please see the attached picture for more information.

Students - We want you to stay active during these days at home and Spring Break - Coach Cash and Coach Strafford have put together a great list of short YouTube videos to keep you moving.

Students - Want to listen to stories read by some of Jones Elementary Staff - Check out the Library's homepage for read aloud streamed from Jones to you!

UPDATE - NEW LOCATIONS ADDED: Lunches to go will be available for Springdale Public School students ages 18 and under Tuesday-Friday between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm at Hellstern, Sonora and Tyson Middle Schools and George, Parson Hills, Smith and Jones Elementary. Sacks will include breakfast for the following day.
In addition sack lunches, which will include breakfast for the following day, will be delivered Tuesday-Friday with deliveries beginning at 11 am. Please see the list of stops below.

Hello Jones Jaguars! This is Mrs. Cartwright, I will be posting things here daily: ways to help you find joy, counseling info, and some safety tips. You can email me at scartwright@sdale.org. I miss you all and can't wait to see you again :)
Today's video is about hand washing that was made by another counselor in our district.

Here is the schedule for breakfast and lunch distribution at Jones Elementary School. It is free to any child 18 years of age or younger:
8:00-8:30 Breakfast Distribution
11:30-12:30 Lunch and the next day's breakfast distribution
Wednesday - Friday
11:30-12;30 Lunch and the next day's breakfast distribution

Free lunch today at Jones from 11:30-12:30 for any student 18 and under. These will be grab and go lunches.
Lonche gratuito para los alumnos menores de 18 anos de 11:30-12:30 en las escuela Jones