Parent Guide to AMI Packets - English and Spanish

Parent Guide to the AMI Packets - Marshallese

2020 Kindergarten Registration Update.
Please click the link below for details. And thank you so much for your partnership and patience!

Padres- mañana comienza el día 1 de método de instrucción alternativa. Mañana haremos un video en Facebook explicando cómo completar su paquete de MIA. Nuestra cafetería estará abierta mañana para el desayuno y almuerzo. Síganos en Facebook para más información.

Springdale Public Schools will be on the Alternate Means of Instruction Plan this week, March 16 - March 20. Students are asked to complete their AMI daily assignments until school resumes. Please click below for lesson plans.

Springdale Public Schools Student-led conferences scheduled to take place during the week of March 16-20, 2020 are postponed. Information about rescheduling will be available at a later date.
Las conferencias de Springdale Public Schools programas para la semana de marzo 16-20, 2020 son pospuestas. Más información será disponible lo más pronto posible.

Please see CDC Guidelines for COVID-19 on considerations for school closures. Click the link below for more information.

To the Springdale Community,
Student and staff health and safety is the number one concern of Springdale Public Schools. Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson and Secretary of Education Johnny Key recommend school districts in counties without a presumptive case remain open in order to not disrupt community life, especially meal services for children and health services for all. The CDC guidance on COVID-19 is that short to medium duration school closings are not recommended. The major request is for good judgment be in place for hygiene for all students and staff along with social distancing. Springdale Public Schools will remain open.
Here is the link to Governor Asa Hutchinson Press Conference

Please see the statement about COVID-19 from Springdale Public Schools

Please watch and share COUNT ME IN LIVE: A 2020 CENSUS SHOW. We talk with City Officials, Business Leaders, Community leaders about the impact of the 2020 Census and why it's important that everyone is counted. #CountMeInSpringdale
Watch on Facebook:
Watch on Youtube:

Volunteer interpreters are needed for student-led conferences. Please sign up or call if you can help.

Parents- Join us tomorrow night for a fun family literacy night Wednesday from 5:30-6:30. There will be fun activities, snacks and free books. Come join the fun!

Families - Looking for something to do during Spring Break? Check out this free basketball tournament at Elmdale Elementary on March 25th from 2-6 PM..

En honor de la Semana de Lectura en toda América, únase a nosotros el miércoles 4 de marzo - 5: 30-6: 30 en Jones.
¡Entre en sus PJs para una noche de cuentos, refrigerios, libros infantiles gratuitos y consejos para padres sobre alfabetización en el hogar!

Jones Families: In honor of Read Across America Week join us Wednesday March 4th - 5:30-6:30 at Jones.
Come in your PJs for a night of sharing stories as a school family. The night will include stories, snacks, free children's books, and tips for parents about home literacy!

Parents - if you have a child that will be 5 years old on or before August 1, 2020, please come to Jones between now and March 16 to register him/her. If your child is currently enrolled in a Springdale PK program, this does not apply to you.
Padres- Si tienen un hijo que tenga 5 años antes del primero de agosto, por favor venga a registrarlo a Jones entre ahora y el 16 de marzo. Si su hijo ya asiste a algún prekinder de Springdale usted no deberá hacer esto.

Parents - Are you bilingual in Spanish or Marshallese. We are seeking volunteers to help translate at Jones during Spring Conferences. Conferences will be held March 16th-18th. Contact Jones Elementary (750-8865) for more information on times and training.

A huge THANK YOU to the Springdale Public Schools Education Foundation for awarding Jones Elementary a $1000 grant for our PLC Clubs. The grant funded new materials and equipment to expand our weekly club offerings. Our team is excited for new clubs to begin in the 4th quarter!

Jones Families

Jennifer Mills, a third grade teacher at Jones Elementary, is the Taking Roots Award. It recognizes and thanks teachers who are role models in the science of reading, teaching and learning. Presenting the award are Assistant Superintendent Maribel Childress. Innovative teachers help make Springdale Public Schools #THEChoice.